What is happening, right now, in Oakland, is a POLICE RIOT. The POLICE have attacked innocent citizens without provocation. In a "liberal" city, with a "liberal" mayor, In a state governed by ex Linda Ronstadt boy toy Jerry Brown, The POLICE are rioting with the support and blessing of the "liberal" cognoscenti. On orders from them. While just a few short miles to the west, Pres. Obama wines and dines the 1% at $7500.00 a plate, the goon squads of the "liberal" elite shoot rubber bullets, concussion grenades, bean bags and tear gas at the rest of us.
Ask yourself this question: Why didn't the police every use any of these violent tactics against Teabaggers who showed up with guns to protest Barack Obama? Remember, teabaggers SHOWED UP WITH GUNS. They FLAUNTED their guns. They mumbled constantly in a threatening tones about the 2nd amendment, while their CANDIDATES ominously spoke of "2ND AMENDMENT SOLUTIONS"
No, they only do this when WE peacefully hold sit ins. Not when conservatives show up with guns. It's almost as if the police in all of these various cities are hoping to provoke the demonstrators into responding in kind. (SNARK)
I'm actually amazed they haven't.
I would have no problem if they did.
Of course, we won't, because WE always take the high road. Through out history, violence has always BEGUN WITH THE STATE. People have never risen up in violence WITHOUT PROVOCATION. Ever. The state has always pushed the people to respond to ESCALATING BRUTALITY.
Now, ask yourself this: How long till the next "Kent State"? How long till they are "cutting us down"? Hmmm? Months? Weeks? Hours?
What is happening in the various Occupy camps across the world cannot and will not be tolerated by the elite. When people begin discussing what holds them back, en mass, together, The status quo will always lose. THEY KNOW THIS. Direct Democracy is an anathema to their system. It cannot be TOLERATED. That is why the OAKLAND POLICE FORCE is rioting like the Contras on crack tonight. That is why the people of Oakland are being given the same treatment that the CIA offered to the people of Nicaragua and El Salvador. Keep up the struggle, heroes of Oakland. You are not alone.
In Solidarity
The Match
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